Biometric-based human recognition systems: an overview
D. Palma and P.L. Montessoro
Recent Advances in Biometrics, IntechOpen (2022)
International conference proceedings
A dynamic algorithm for palmprint recognition
D. Palma, P.L. Montessoro, G. Giordano, and F. Blanchini
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) (2015)
International journals
D. Palma and P.L. Montessoro
IEEE Access (2024)
A system-theoretic approach for image-based infectious plant disease severity estimation
D. Palma, F. Blanchini, and P.L. Montessoro
PLOS ONE (2022)
A threshold mechanism ensures minimum-path flow in lightning discharge
F. Blanchini, D. Casagrande, F. Fabiani, G. Giordano, D. Palma, and R. Pesenti (*)
Scientific Reports (2021)
A dynamic biometric authentication algorithm for near-infrared palm vascular patterns
D. Palma, F. Blanchini, G. Giordano, and P.L. Montessoro
IEEE Access (2020)
Biometric palmprint verification: a dynamical system approach
D. Palma, P.L. Montessoro, G. Giordano, and F. Blanchini
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (2019)
Preprints & unpublished papers
Lightning optimizes: a threshold mechanism ensures minimum-path flow
F. Blanchini, D. Casagrande, F. Fabiani, G. Giordano, D. Palma, and R. Pesenti (*)
arXiv:2007.08980 (2020)
Article available on arXiv and NASA Astrophysics Data System
Detection of stealthy false-data injection attacks on safety-critical cyber-physical systems
D. Palma and T. Parisini
Research report, Imperial College London (UK) (2019)
D. Palma and P.L. Montessoro
Research report, University of Udine (2018)
D. Palma
Doctoral Thesis, University of Udine (IT) (2021)
Supervisors: Prof. P.L. Montessoro and Prof. F. Blanchini
D. Palma
Master's Thesis, University of Udine (IT) (2017)
D. Palma
Bachelor's Thesis, University of Udine (IT) (2014)